Thursday, August 1, 2024

August Adventures

Welcome to August. Wow, the summer is flying by. August makes me think of sweet corn and the Iowa State Fair (It starts in one week!). And of course the 4-H and FFA sheep shows. 

It makes me tired just thinking of the work John and the boys and the grandchildren put into preparation for the fairs. My little part was packing the snack and drink cooler and making sure all the sheep blankets and spandex tubes were clean and ready. I can still smell the washer after the sheep coats were laundered - not a bad smell, just sheepy.

Now that we aren't all in on sheep showing, we are back to enjoying the State Fair as visitors. Our family in Arkansas is coming back for the Fair because they love it so much. There will be time spent in the sheep barn for sure and looking for the bricks in front of the barn - one for each grandchild and Stewart Show Lambs. The bricks have been there so long that we have to clean them off a bit to see them.

We will seek out the giant slide, Ye Old Mill boat ride, cotton candy, mini donuts, cheese curds, lamb burgers, a walk through the Agriculture Building to see the Butter Cow, and visit the Avenue of Breeds. There is anticipation of the taste of fresh lemonade and Paige's favorite - the hot beef sundae. We always take a walk through the Varied Industries Building and find the State Fair Cookies. I love to walk through the photograph exhibit in the Cultural Center. We usually make the walk to Pioneer Hall with a stop for a cold soda fountain drink on the way up the hill. 

It is a day full of adventure and people watching. An Iowa original. A place gushing with memories built during decades of visits from childhood to old age.

 "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-- for he grants sleep to those he loves. Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth," (Psalm 127:1-4 NIV).

Lord, thank You for this new month ready to be filled with fun and adventures. Thank You for blessing us with children and grandchildren to share memories with and build new ones. Thank You for giving us the opportunities to share our faith with others by showing kindness, patience, respect and integrity throughout our lives. And thank You for being the foundation for all that we do and say. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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