Thursday, January 26, 2023

Snowy Winter

Winter is upon us in Iowa. Everything is snow-covered and white. There are mounds of snow where the shoveling and snowblowers deposited their work. Evergreens hang heavy. Fog leaves a coating of sparkles  over all things and makes the world beautiful. Winter at its peaceful best.

Then there is the sharp cold wind that blasts from the north, penetrating the layers and slapping us in the face. The weather is bitter cold and the forecast is for below zero, cutting through gloves and boots leaving fingers and toes stiff and aching. Frozen lakes and ponds wear a coating of white. Winter at its cruelest. 

If only we could choose, wouldn't it be wonderful! Maybe a day of Florida warm or Arizona dry dropped in the long stretches of cold. Or perhaps a quiet snow day of beautiful flakes falling from the sky, covering up the dirty plowed ridges that line the streets. Oh, winter, if only you'd be kind and gentle, not rude and pushy.

"It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter," (Psalm 74:17 NIV).

God designed our weather patterns and perhaps if it weren't for Adam and Eve, we'd still be living in the Garden of Eden. Now, though, we endure whatever weather comes our way during the seasons of the year.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease," (Genesis 8:22 NIV).

Lord, please bless us with sunshine days and starry nights as often as You can. Help us bear the other days with tolerance and preparation. Thank you, Lord, for the variety you give us in Iowa. Amen.

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