Thursday, July 11, 2024


It seems like Iowa has been hit by more than it's share of natural disasters this year. Greenfield experienced a terrible tornado. Then Spencer and Northwest Iowa were hit by heavy rain followed by severe flooding. I pray that there are no more events like that in Iowa. Yet, I see these disasters happening all across the United States and around the world.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by prayer needs. I feel like my prayers are too small to do any good. Then I remember how big our God is! He is there with all those individuals who are experiencing tragedy. God hears the hurting, the broken, the crushed, and the grieving. I pray that God will bring good in some form out of each of these situations. Yet, I wonder.

How would I feel if my home was blown away by a twister or filled with dirty flood waters? Praise God, I have never been through such devastation. I wonder why not me? Why have I been so fortunate? I don't think there is an answer for this. Though, my husband might say we avoided a flood by always living on a hillside or high spot in town. I don't know why some people are devastated and others are not. Except that it is just part of life?

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers," (Galatians 6:9-10 NIV).

We are called to "do good" especially to those who have been through or are going through life-changing struggles. Though we can not change their situations, God can. He will get them through the awful times and lift them up to righteousness, if they trust in Him.

That's all we need to do: trust in God. He will lead us through the muck and the mess and bring us out on the other side. 

Lord God, I ask that You be present in the lives of those who are experiencing the lowest of lows. Lift them up by others who are there to help and inspire. Comfort them and encourage them with Your love. Give us direction on how we can help and pray. Thank You God for Your protection and for salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray in His Holy Name. Amen.

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