Monday, July 22, 2024

Walking Life's Journey

"These were his instructions: Take nothing for the journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra tunic," (Mark 6:8-9 NIV). 

Jesus' instructions for His disciples were clear and concise. Take nothing with you. They were to be the tool that was used and nothing else would be needed. Their trust had to be in God alone. God would provide their needs.

I need to remember this, as one of Jesus' followers. God made me as a tool He can use no matter where the journey leads. Sometimes I wonder about my life journey. As I look back I see where my walk has taken me and what I have experienced. How has God used me? Was I a useful tool?

I can't imagine taking a trip without packing any luggage or even carrying a purse! How could I possibly get along without my billfold, my lipstick, a pack of tissues, my toothbrush, acetaminophen, a pen and paper, or my PHONE! Could I possibly put all my trust in God to provide?

My life journey has been laden with challenges and low times, yet God has seen me through them all. I ultimately had what I needed most. I had God. 

Who knows what the rest of life's walk will look like. It may be uneventful and calm, or it may be complicated and challenging. Either way I'm glad I can be a tool for God to use along the way. I want to be a willing participant in whatever He has planned.

Heavenly Father, thank You for this new day and the journey You have planned for me today. Make me Your instrument. Use me to touch others with Your love and kindness. Show me how to place all my trust in You. Lead me along life's journey; fulfill Your purpose for my life. I place my trust in You. This I pray in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

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